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Your Donation Can Change Everything!
Did You Know?
Your support allows us to fully fund a statewide scholarship program and so much more! Here’s how your donation will help serve Illinois Sheriffs and their communities:
• ISA Supports the 2nd Amendment. We opposed efforts to ban guns, and supported litigation through an Amicus Brief challenging the constitutionality of the Protect Illinois Communities Act
• Scholarships - ISA awards over 117 scholarships to students in all 102 counties to offset the cost of their higher education. Your monetary support has helped us to do this for over 45 years!

• Training: In addition to scholarships, we rely on citizens like you to sustain critical continuing education programs and crucial law enforcement training seminars for our state’s Sheriffs and their personnel. We serve the Sheriffs, their Chief Deputies, Jail Administrators, Administrative Assistants and so much more!
• For over 30 years, the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association has also been awarding scholarships for youth to attend the Cebrin Goodman Teen Institute (CGTI). CGTI is a 5-day youth leadership conference sponsored by the Illinois Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Association (IADDA). It is an award-winning program that offers opportunities for teenagers around the state to learn about leadership, healthy choices and working with others to create better communities.

• ISA manages the Step Up & Serve Campaign which is a robust multi-media marketing effort to assist Law Enforcement agencies in Illinois that are currently grappling with significant hurdles related to hiring, recruitment, and staffing levels of Law Enforcement Professionals.
• ISA continues to seek grants that will fund equipment and the latest technology for our Sheriffs and their staff to aid in doing their jobs. These grants are just one more way ISA can serve the Sheriffs of Illinois. Most of the grants are insurmountable for each Sheriff to apply and manage on their own. We are able to apply for these large federal dollars, manage the programs that then can affect all 102 Sheriffs.

• ISA is fighting the Mental Health Crisis in our jails. We work with DHS to expedite “unfit to stand trial inmates” out of jails to facilities that have Mental Health Services.
• ISA lobbies the General Assembly for Sheriffs & Law-Abiding Citizens Rights by tracking proposed laws that could either help or harm your freedoms.
We count on your tax-deductible donation to sustain these vital educational, training and law enforcement supportive programs!