- Do not advertise your absence.
- Do your homework and have well-defined plans and use reliable travel resources.
- Share your daily travel plans and emergency contact information with select people.
- Contact home on a regularly scheduled basis.
- Restrict cash and valuables in your possession and keep them properly concealed.
- Carry no more than two credit cards.
- Properly list and label any medications and make certain they are secure and accessible.
- Be mindful of crime areas like restrooms, baggage claim, check-in, shuttles, curbside, etc.
- Wait until your return before sharing travel experiences through social media.
- If possible, stay with your travel partner or group during daily activities.
- Be mindful of your surroundings and avoid unlit or desolate areas.
- Limit the amount of personal information shared with strangers.
In case of Emergency: Dial 911